Monday, December 23, 2019

Schindlers List by Thomas Keneally Essay - 517 Words

Schindlers List by Thomas Keneally Thomas Keneally has accomplished his goal with Schindler’s List. It beautifully and completely realizes the honest story of a man who was an astounding leader in every respect. This book captures with accuracy and poignancy a part of history that every member of every society must know about and never forget, and to do it in novel form is a sign of Keneally’s extraordinary ingenuity. To begin with, Oskar Schindler’s embodiment of the leadership characteristics we have discussed in class is evident. Charisma, perhaps our most highly discussed quality, is his trademark. Schindler cleverly finds ways to relate to the SS officers and soldiers not only through bribes of high class gifts, but through†¦show more content†¦Perhaps we could compare him to another leader, President William Jefferson Clinton, in his exemplification of charisma. Another trait crucial to Schindler’s leadership is the ability to shrewdly harness the skills of others. The most o bvious example of this ability is his employment of the Jewish accountant Itzhak Stern. Despite the fact that Stern is Jew, Schindler knows he is the best man to help run his business and keep track of his finances and contacts. He immediately recognizes Stern’s ability and puts his trust in him. Likewise, Schindler’s utilization of Poldek Pfefferberg to connect him to the black market is an equally important union. His trust in Pfefferberg also demonstrates his strong character judgment. Moreover, another apparent manifestation of this quality is Schindler’s use of the Jews in his factory. Besides the fact that they were inexpensive, he knew that they would be dependable and efficient. Finally, our leader develops an ongoing partnership with the evil Hauptsturmfuhrer Amon Goeth to get what he needs, his workers. We could similarly compare Schindler’s recognition of trustworthy people and sense of opportunity in taking advantage of the skills of others to leaders we have discussed in class like Ross Perot. Perhaps most importantly, compassion is what Schindler may be most remembered for. Despite his image as a shrewd, opportunistic businessman, the entrepreneurShow MoreRelated The Message of Courage in Schindlers List by Thomas Keneally1330 Words   |  6 PagesThe Message of Courage in Schindlers List by Thomas Keneally Throughout the novel of Schindler’s List, by Thomas Keneally, the message of courage is portrayed greatly. Keneally was a gentile man who wrote about how bad the Holocaust was, even-though he was not Jewish. He tells a story of how one man successfully saved thousands of Jews by letting them work for him. 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He reopened the factory and expanded it to employ 250 workers, 150 of whom were Jews. The Jews all worked under false pretense due to forged work order papers that Schindler acquired from his friends higher up in the Nazi regime. Despite havingRead MoreThe Holocaust is often considered one of the darkest and most heinous periods in modern history,1500 Words   |  6 Pagesparty he would would ultimately be responsible for saving the lives of some twelve hundred Jews by wars end. However, the original twelve hundred are merely a portion of Schindler’s lasting impact and the real significance is in the â⠂¬Å"nearly 7,000 living descendants of Schindlerjuden (Schindler’s Jews)† (Sandweiss). Thus, Schindler’s legacy was cemented in his defiance and in his preservation of future generations of Jews around the world. Heroes come in all shapes and sizes and many do not chooseRead MoreSchindler s List Is 1993 Oscar Nominated Movie Directed By Steven Spielberg762 Words   |  4 PagesSchindler’s List is 1993 Oscar nominated movie directed by Steven Spielberg. This movie is based on the 1982 biographical novel published by the Australian author Thomas Keneally. It is an R rated movie with a 185 minutes running time. The main character of the movie, Oskar Schindler is played by Liam Neeson. The movie portrays the story of the German businessman who tried to preserve the lives of some Jewish refuges during the holocaust. In times past, the Jews have been victims of ethnic prosecutionsRead MoreCritical Analysis on Schindlers List Essay923 Words   |  4 PagesCritical Analysis on Schindlers List In this assignment, I will present a critical analysis on Schindlers List. Schindlers List is a masterpiece, which was directed by arguably, the greatest director of all time, Steven Spielberg. Steven Spielberg is Jewish, so to recall the most tragic and horrific event in Jewish history or you may say the history of man-kind takes a lot of guts and determination. However, by creating such realism and effectiveness, consequentlyRead More Schindlers list Essay672 Words   |  3 Pagesmodified from producing enamel wares to ammuntion, but the ammunition was faulty and did not work. Schindler was now making a large amount of profits, but he noticed that all his money was going into saving and caring for his â€Å"Schindlerjuden† or Schindler’s children. The â€Å"Schindlerjuden† were always treated humanely. They were a;ways fed, never beaten, and none were ever killed. He told the officers that the skills his workers possessed were â€Å"essential† to the factory and were necessary to keep it

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Fashion Trends Free Essays

string(301) " information search like online sources of 13%, The traditional media is still more trustworthy for the consumer to attain the information they require for their shopping like Fashion shows Exhibitions having 20%, Fashion Magazines 24%, TV Commercials 40% and Billboards 10% chunk respectively\." Fashion Trends of Youth in Pakistan Consumer Behavior Chapter 1 Introduction * Fashion It’s not just an outfit that is the offer of fashion. Rather it resides in every corner of the present landscape. Our mobile phones, our cars, our kitchens, our choice of media, the places where meet our friends- all add to the meaning of fashion. We will write a custom essay sample on Fashion Trends or any similar topic only for you Order Now Its not enough to wear the clothes, you have to don the lifestyle too. Fashion is a conceptual term though it covers almost all aspects of our daily life. Dress is very important facet of our personality and fashion in our dress and clothes have taken its step towards international market. The retail and wholesale sector in Pakistan was worth about $40 billion in fiscal year 2012, and has been growing at 5. 3% in real (inflation-adjusted) terms for the past five years, much faster than overall economic growth during that period. Parallel to this trend in consumerism,  Digital Marketing in Pakistan has also been on the rise which has resulted in the  Fashion Industry (specifically formal and informal lawn brands), fast accepting this unique phenomenon. Also, with the Ramazan on the go; Eid approaching in the near future and summers near their destined end, many new clothing brands have gone active and are advertising their Eid collection and Summer Sales on Facebook vigorously. So much so, that as per my calculations, one in every ten recommendations/sponsored stories or ads I see, are related to a clothing brand. Whether it be established brands like Kayseria, Khaadi  and Gul Ahmed, or newly launched premium brands like Sana Safinaz or Asim Jofa, or relatively smaller designer names like Rang Ja, The Working Woman, Mariam Aziz and Echo ll can be found actively on Facebook. Fashion industry of Pakistan has made quite a lot of progress in just a few years. Ten to fifteen years from now, this industry was still unknown to actually exist to the masses. Late with the formation of fashion councils and education centers under the enthusiastic few who wanted to make a difference and promulgate this very institution of fashion, * Quick g lance at fashion back in TIME The Swinging 60’s The focus of the time was on fittings. Bell bottoms, hair pieces, narrow fitted shirts, narrow dupattas, heavy eye makeup for girls and side burns for men was order of the time. People in those times took influence from the actors whom they idealized. The Political 70’s In 70’s the political times changed. People turned towards patriotism. Cotton came in vogue and people were seen in loose kurtas called Awami Suits and Saris. The Materialistic 80’s The 80’s emerged from the drabness of the 70’s and ushered in disco, glitz and glamour. People were indulged in their material instincts. In Pakistan, loose was â€Å"in† and tight was â€Å"out†. Glitter and glitz was trendy and simplicity took a back seat. Back To The East With 90’s It was a time for the rival of our culture. Traditional costumes made a comeback. A lot of embroidery, gharara, Sheirwani and Paishwaz were seen. Everyone wanted to look sleek and thin. The New Millennium â€Å"The Y2Kâ€Å" The year 2000 came with a bang moving people towards hi-tech and fast-paced living. The clothes too have become more streamlined and structured. The defined boundaries of eastern and western fashion have collapsed people wear no fuss Chinese trousers, cargo pants, iron easy cloth and manageable preferably short hair. Fusion is the call of this time * Interview with designers Maria B: Fashion is an extension of self ,an ___expression of individuality, of art and modernism- It has no borders or divides- Its passion and It is the constant evolution of society. Fashion is a form of ___expression on an individual as well as a social level—The general shift in Pakistan thank God! is towards intelligent broad-minded ideas and its now starting to reflect in the way that people are dressing up HSY: Fashion for me is your sense of living. It’s not only about dress, but it’s about you and what you live with. It can be your values and ethics, it can be everything around you. Nida ali: I think the average customer is price conscious, style conscious, trend conscious and the element of brand consciousness comes right at the end. Chapter 2 The Consumer Segmentation Targeting In a broader view and unbiased analysis, the Pakistani fashion industry has certainly played a very constructive and optimistic role in building the fashion sense and fashion trends amongst all the age groups The target we have selected to conduct a survey on the changing trends in fashion scenario is a combination of both the genders from the age range of 15 to 35 years of age regardless of any income bracket from the educated community. This range can be justified with the projection of the following statistics. The income ranges depict that our target market is almost equally from all income groups and people do follow fashion regardless of income brackets in one way or the other. Our target market of research comprises of a major chunk from the age range of 21 to 25 years being 76%. While having smaller portions of age 15-20 and 26-30 with sizes of 14% and 10% respectively. The youth mainly the fashion seekers and followers are in the continuation of their education period. As, this is the age when fashion becomes a craze for them. 63% females are fashion conscious willing to participate in a fashion survey while 37% are from the male category of consumers. * Media of Approach The fashion consumer of today is constantly bombarded with different types of stimuli in different forms of advertising. Today’s fashion consumer is more sophisticated and demanding than the consumer of the past. Looking at history, fashion runways and fashion shows have been the biggest inspirations for the fashion industry. We have assessed from these facts that regardless of the rapid growth in new mediums of information search like online sources of 13%, The traditional media is still more trustworthy for the consumer to attain the information they require for their shopping like Fashion shows Exhibitions having 20%, Fashion Magazines 24%, TV Commercials 40% and Billboards 10% chunk respectively. You read "Fashion Trends" in category "Papers" Fashion magazines are an extension of the marketing departments of large fashion companies. For a designer, the fashion show is a way to broadcast ideas. It is a medium. The growing Online trend The growing trend of online queries and locating stores, if not e-purchases, have also seen a tremendous rise which is understandable considering  Ã‚  females make up 31% of Pakistan’s Facebook population of almost 7 Million and the age group from 18-34 years makes 76% of the said population. These stats quite clearly infer that  Digital has most certainly bec ome an effective medium of  transforming  information and communicating with this industry’s target group. In addition to the remarkable customer service most of the fashion brands in Pakistan are providing online, it is worthy to note that digital media has leveled the playing field for all brands, irrespective of their sizes. It has given all sorts of brands the leverage to promote themselves and explore social media marketing for their advantage, especially if traditional mediums like billboards, print ads, TVCs etc are out of budget. This graph represents the presence of facebook fans of various brands locally in Pakistan and worldwide as well. The appreciation of facebook and other social media networks as a tool of marketing is growing very rapidly in a very short time among our young generation. Considering these statistics, we can appraise the standing of these various brand among the consumers and their level of appreciation in the market. Keeping these stats and trends in mind, one can evidently conclude that digital and eventually mobile marketing has an immense potential for the Fashion Industry. If the growth trends continue to move in the same direction and at a similar pace, there should certainly be no stopping social media marketing from making brands re-allocate  their budgets from traditional to online mediums. Chapter 3 Market Research * Problem Statement How does the behavior of a fashion consumer changes with upcoming fashion trends? * Research Methods * Questionnaire We have gathered information from our target market with 30 questionnaires duly filled by the prospects from our target market at various places with different set of ideals for a broader perspective and analyzed the results. The questionnaire is attached. * Focus Group We conducted a focus group of 8 attendees from our target market and concluded healthy discussion on the concerned issue. The moderator guide of the focus group is attached at the end. Online Focus Group on FaceBook We have conducted a focus group online through the platform of facebook as we do realize that the major chunk of our target study is active on social media networks. * Interviews Our search also consists of the interviews from the fashion industry to gather an over view about fashion from the producers of this wave. * Mall Intercepts We have visited quite a few stores, brand outlets and mall s surveying for practical encounters and recorded the views of some consumers in video and others in writing. Our surveys destinations included Suzy, Shirt Tie Shop, Hyperstar at Fortress Stadium while some interviews were conducted on the streets there. * Boutique Survey We also encountered the people running those boutiques and assessed their perceptions briefly. Chapter 4 Consumer Behavior Consumer behavior is deeply influenced by the demographics and household structures, needs, emotions, values and personality, group influences, information processing and decision making along with purchase behavior. Consumers are becoming more demanding, which is forcing fashion retailers to provide the right product at the right time. Information and trends are moving around the globe at high speed, resulting in more options and thus the consumers shop more often. The consumers need for uniqueness forces fashion retailers to constantly renew their styles. * Culture In case of cultural preferences, we often see people with different style statements living in the same area or same people having same appearances living at areas with vast distances. This is a fact which projects the importance of presence of culture in our lives which we tend to follow in almost all walks of our life. The most followed culture is equally distributed among regional and family preferences with the health of 37% each. Most of the population tend to follow what is being pursued in their region for ages, for instance, in Pakistan, with many differences in lifestyle, we all still follow some basic similar values. On the other hand, if we take Family culture into account, it refers to the values we share with our family, the way we present ourselves based on our family background, living standards and lifestyle. 19% incorporate multiple cultures in their attire and appearance while 4% opts for Western style of dressing. Social Class Fashion reflects our society and our culture. likewise it reflects how people define themselves People tend to follow what is in and what is the wave of the present current in fashion. 44% of our participants from consumer market are inclined towards the ongoing trends, while another major chunk is attracted towards the designer cuts or brand for their choice of attire. Former categories comprise of the majority while small parts of the market follow Celebrity with 6%, 6% towards price, 6% of advertisements while 10% people go for friend’s advise and attire. * Consumer Behavior Model Involvement of senses (Touch, sight) When we judge the quality of an apparel, the foremost concern for the consumer is the quality of the product which is preferred by 50% even for the youngsters who do not really care for the long life of the products. Some follow View of the fabric and its name share the same standing of 17% while a greater appreciation of Brand name of 24%. * Perso nal Selection Factors * Hedonic consumption Value of a garment is being defined as an interactive partiality experience, and distinguishes a person’s experience of interacting with an object or event. Enjoyable experiences in a store reflect different types of hedonic values. Values are defined as consumer behavior that regards the emotional and fantasy aspect of consumers’ interactions with products. Comparing to its utilitarian counterpart, the hedonic shopping value is more personal and associated with playfulness and fun. For instance, it is fairly common that people shop for both utilitarian and hedonic grounds, as well as a positive mood can come from consumers following either type of shopping. A reason for consumers to go shopping can also be the possibility to socialize with their friends. An individual’s set of values is very important regarding consumption activities. Many purchases are made because consumers think that purchasing products will result in reaching value-related goals. Shopping for clothes is considered recreational, satisfying and rewarding. Impulse buying is important to fulfill hedonic desires. There is an evident link between impulse buying behavior and hedonic shopping. Clothes purchased to satisfy hedonic needs seem to be chosen without planning and characterize an impulse buying event as can be witnessed like 50% of the buyers. Consumers are driven to hedonic shopping experiences by new fashion styles and brand image salience, which in turn motivates fashion-oriented impulse buying behavior. On the other hand, people who are rational in their decisions and finalize their action after going through all pros and cons. * Consumer Involvement * Motivation Clothing is referred to as specialty good since consumers often make the effort of seeking out the garment that they require. Motivational need can be both utilitarian and hedonic. The end state that the consumer has the intention to reach is the goal. How urgent the consumer wants to reduce the need depends on whether the need is hedonic or utilitarian, this is called the consumer’s drive. One indication of a need is a person’s want, which is created by a combination of cultural and personal factors. These statistics project the motivational elements which encourage a consumer to make a purchase. The most prominent motivator is an occasion or event which motivates 43% of the targeted sample. While, 20% are for Friends and 20% for family suggestions. Celebrity styles and icons attract and motivate 17% of our audience. Fashion-oriented impulse buying happens when consumers find a new fashion product and buy it due to the motivation to buy new products; products they did not plan on buying. Here we can see the level of motivation and the elements which influences a person to make a purchase. 40% are the impulse buyers who immediately opt for purchase with the product and the internal drive. The other major category observed in our survey was that of people who are motivated with advice of friends and family. This 46% require someone to support their choice. Two small classes of 7% being those who spent more tie and opt to search for further alternatives or more information about the item before making a purchase. * Motivational Conflict Approach-Approach According to our survey results, consumers often face Approch-Approch conflict when they have to choose between two dresses appealing them at the same level. Approach-Avoidance Another conflict of Approach-Avoidance also exists when a design attracts to a consumer at a designer shop but meanwhile price element restricts a particular customer. Level of Involvement Inertia: Inertia basically describes the low level of involvement towards the chosen product that either the consumer is willing to pay an effort before purchase or not? In fashion industry, according to our survey some respondent’s level of involvement was low because they just go to any shop; strongly use their heuristics and mental short cuts to buy apparel. Cult: The second concept which also prevails in the fashion industry is that, a part of consumer’s level of involvement is also very high in terms of shopping clothes. Because they put a lot of exertion in choosing and purchasing outfit having a feel of passion and consider their apparel as a symbol of their individual personality. * Need Theory Implementation * Self Concept * Self Concept When clothes leave the fabric they are merely garments. It is not until the marketers get hold of them that they become fashion. Clothing and accessories express how we feel, how we see ourselves and how we wish to be conceived by others. When we buy clothes we buy an identity. Fashion constitutes an important societal part of the individual’s well-being. Through the right choice of clothing it is possible for an individual to improve his or her self-esteem and acceptance by other people. Identities and social roles appear through people’s choice of clothing and accessories. Clothes function as symbols that indicate status, gender, social group allegiance and personality. Fashion is a way of expressing oneself and it says a lot about the person. * Fantasy Clothes shopping is considered to be more attractive. It is a break from the normal routine and it is an opportunity for fantasy and self-expression. What we wear is a complete expression of who we are. The appearance is the first indicator of personality to be judged. We portray ourselves what we fantasize about our own personality following our ideals through our accessories, our choice of movies, the interior of our house and most prominently our attire. We judged from our sample that majority of our sample portrays themselves to be decent yet fashionable being 54% of the whole sample depicting a major part of our culture. Secondly, 30% fashion consumers tend to portray themselves to be lively and energetic. Some 14% try to explicitly present themselves as an open personality and extrovert. A few demonstrate themselves to be shy and submissive. It’s not enough to be fashionable-one wishes to appear intelligent as well. * Gender Orientation â€Å"Modern marketing has relied on gender to help understand and explain consumers and their behavior. † Women see clothes as a mean for self-identity, whereas men focus more on functional benefits. Women see shopping as something recreational, it is important to emphasize the hedonic and experiential attributes of shopping. Women spend twice as long time in a shop as men and the typical window-shopper is a woman. Men and women think differently, and these gender-specific brain differences show a significant effect on how the individual absorb, process and retain information. The following Pivot Table exhibits the relation of gender with the style they follow for their purchase with a graphical representation which is extracted from our Online Facebook survey. | Values| | Row Labels| Sum of Male| Sum of Female| Casual| 4| 8| Celebrity| 0| 1| Formal| 4| 3| Present day| 3| 12| Grand Total| 11| 24| | | Another Pivot Table is extracted from our survey which depicts the relation of gender with the inclination of consumer towards Price or Style conscious personality. | Values| | Row Labels| Sum of Male| Sum of Female| Price Conscious| 7| 9| Style Conscious| 4| 15| Grand Total| 11| 24| Men don’t buy fashion – they buy clothes Men are comparatively less sophisticated consumers of fashion than women . * Extended Self â€Å"Fashion is an extension of self and expression of individuality† All the possessions of a person add an extra glamour to the personality. These can be the clothes, accessories, cell phones or your jewelery which adds an extra charm to what you idealize and portray about your personality. This extract shows the inclination of people towards various categories to embrace an additional appeal to their personality. This is clearly visible that clothes and shoes are the possessions that exhibits glamour and is the centre of attention for most of the youngsters being 37% each. While 14% go for jewelery, 6% for glasses, 6% for wrist watches and 7% opt for mobile phones as their charming accessory. Personality Chosen Product Match Your perception towards fashion is what you personality is regarding this particular field. This graphical representation clearly demonstrates the personality of our target youngsters in terms of fashion trends and their own self. Sober looks and Maturity is the dominant trait occupying 34%. * Product symbolization The Fashion Pyramid * Freudian Theory (diagram interpretation) [Id = Brain attack , Superego = Heart attack, Ego = A balance with heart on one and brain on the other side) (landscape) * Trait theory Various distinct traits are associated with different fields of life projected by the consumer of that particular segment. Likewise many traits are associated with fashion industry and consumers monitoring and following the changing trends. For instance, it is suggested that people who are more communally oriented (a female trait) will enjoy shopping more because of their psychological identification with the communal nature of the task. * Product congruence Consumer Lifestyle Loyal customers spend more each shopping trip, and are more time-conscious. Our clothes are often an expression of our spirit and character, so there is nothing wrong with finding a look that suits you and relying on it. Here the question is do consumers calibrate their wardrobe to better illustrate their present mood personality to therefore show overall congruence and harmony? Well, a direct relation exists between the clothing you choose to wear and your overall personality in terms of congruency. According to our one of the consumers view, â€Å"I have noticed that when I am feeling very energetic, and very outgoing, I will pick out clothing from my closet that resembles my mood: loud, and vibrant. Yellow t-shirts, red watch, etc. Meanwhile, other times, when I’m n a mellower and laid back mood, I will wear more toned down clothing, sometimes just a black tee-shirt and jeans. † Fashion is based on creating a need, where in reality, there is none. Fashion is a factory that manufactures desire. Pre occupation with fashion reveals a level of insecurity. It’s like they are worried about being judged. People obsessed with fashion feel that if they’ve changed their look, th ey’ve also evolved emotionally. They live in a state of being extremely conscious about their appearance. * Decision Making * Heuristics * Shopping Atmosphere * Post Purchase Satisfaction Product Disposal The product disposal is an important issue to be discussed as we keep on adding accessories to our wardrobe and stuff it with articles. It is essential to know what consumers opt for after It is deducted that 75% people give their clothes to others which is a good indication of society. While 19% stuff it forever even if not in use. On the other hand. 6% completely destroy them. * Risks associated with new trends The elements of fashion not liked by the target youngsters can backfire and become a risk for the Fashion Brands. As, â€Å"The fashion industry is the ultimate fashion victim† Other Risks include: Chapter 5 Extract Chapter 6 Attachments Survey Questionnaire Fashion Trends in Pakistan I am a student of MBIT from IBIT, PU and this questionnaire is purely for research purpose and the information you provide help me gain better understanding of Changing Fashion Trends in Pakistan. The success of this research depends on honest answers so I assure that your response will be kept confidential. Tick the answer you prefer. SECTION 1: YOU C. Occupation? a) Student b) Job c) Business d) Other, Please Specify ___________ 1. A. Age? a) 15-20 b) 21-25 c) 26-30 d) 31-35 D. Gender? a) Male b) Female B. Family Monthly Income? e) 15000-25000 f) 26000-35000 g) 36000-50000 h) Above 50000 E. How are you feeling today? c) happy c) excited d) sad d) depressed SECTION 2: YOUR FASHION 1. Fashion to you is: a) Looking cool and hipc) Comfort ability b) Looking sober and matured) A way to express my inner self 2. Which current fashion trend you love the most? _____________________________________________________________________ 3. Which fashion trend you hate the most? ______________________________________________________________________ 4. c) Present day fashion ) Celebrity Which fashion style/trend do you tend to follow when you purchase clothes? a) Formal b) Casual 5. Who is your ideal fashion personality? _____________________________ 6. What does your clothing portray about your personality a) Open Personalityb) Shy person c) Hip Hop d) Decent e) Lively f) Bold 7. Which of your accessories adds glamour to your overall personality? a) Clothingb) Mobile phon e c) Jewelry d) Shoes e) Wrist watches f) Glasses 8. What influences you the most when you buy clothes? a) Ongoing Trendsb) Designer/Brand c)Celebrity d) Pricee) Advertisementsf) Friends 9. How much are you willing to spend on one item of clothing from a new trend of fashion? a)1000-2000 b)2000-5000 c)5000-10000d)10000 above 10. What would encourage you to try out new fashion and style? a) Celebrity’s Styleb) Friend’s Suggestion c) Family’s Suggestiond) An Occasion | 11. What do you mostly dislike about fashion? a) Changes quicklyb) Expensive c) Not suitable d) Turns into a craze 12. What is the most recently added item to your accessories? ____________________________ 13. Does a new trend influence your wardrobe? a) Yes b) Noc)Oftend) Rarely 14. Do you readily adopt new trends? ) Yes b) Noc)Oftend) Rarely 15. How do you judge a fabric? a)Touchb) Viewc) Brand named) Fabric name 16. Are your purchases? c) Plannedb) Immediate | 17. What is your action when a dress or an accessory attracts you? d) Immediately buyc) Consult a friend or family member e) Search for alternativesd) Search for more information 18. Which kinds of shopping destination you buy most of your clothes from? a) Super markets and shopping mallsc) Fashion shows and exhibitions b) Designer boutiques Brandsd) Bazaars 19. What are your cultural preferences in fashion? a) Family culturec)Western culture ) Regional cultured) A combination of trends from multiple cultures 20. What do you do after your purchase? i) When satisfied a) Refer others b) Feel achievement c) Repeat purchases from the same place ii) When dissatisfied a) Feel angry b)Tell others to avoid c) Never visit the same place 21. How do you dispose of your clothes a) Keep the item b) Destroy c) Give it to others to use 22. What would you mostly like to see in an advertisement? a) Pictures of the shop and locationc) Products available b) Information about the designer d) All the above 3. Which medium do you trust for your purchases? a) Magazinesd)Fashion Shows Exhibitions b) Billboardse) TV Commercials c) Online Sources Moderator Guide I Thank you all very much for helping us and participating in our project research. What we are conducting is called a focus group. It is mainly a form of discussion among all of you on our research topic. You can agree, disagree on any point or you can just provide with a comment. You can also propose any new idea regarding the subject and you can freely express your views and opinions. This is just like a routine lounge talk. We request you to convey your point clearly and if possible one at a time to save from any confusion or misunderstanding. If any questions regarding the format of the focus group, you can ask ? Now, I’l explain the topic, we are here to discuss. That is The Changing Fashion Trends in Pakistan. Everybody today, is somehow associated with fashion either in favor or against. . Similarly, you all must be used to of decorating your wardrobe with latest fashion articles. Most of you would be used to of visiting various bazaars and malls for your clothing needs. And must be having your views and suggestions for this very industry. We are going to talk about the same. Before we start, if any one have any queries. Please do ask? Now friends , We’ll continue with our discussion Warm Up Questions:- 1. How much time do you spare for your leisure activities? 2. How much time in a month do you spent on shopping? 3. Do you consider shopping a source of entertainment? Specific Questions:- Current Scenario of Audience 4. Do you visit exhibitions for your purchases? 5. Do you consider fashion shows a source of latest updates for your fashion? 6. May I ask about your favorite places to shop? 7. What is your recently added item in your clothing? 8. Are you price conscious or style conscious? Reason of Failure 9. What do you think is the main content of our Pakistani fashion currently being promoted? 10. What is that one factor that stops you from adopting a fashion trend? 11. In your opinion, what is the one major difference between ordinary and designer brand items? 12. When I speak of Fashion, What picture comes to your mind? 13. Now, what if the same product is being sold in a local and a designer brand, Which one you’ll prefer to buy? Why? I am really thankful to you all for this valuable effort and specially your time. Bibliography Solomon, M. R. Consumer Behavior. How to cite Fashion Trends, Papers Fashion Trends Free Essays string(179) " the information they require for their shopping like Fashion shows Exhibitions having 20%, Fashion Magazines 24%, TV Commercials 40% and Billboards 10% chunk respectively\." Fashion Trends of Youth in Pakistan Consumer Behavior Chapter 1 Introduction * Fashion It’s not just an outfit that is the offer of fashion. Rather it resides in every corner of the present landscape. Our mobile phones, our cars, our kitchens, our We will write a custom essay sample on Fashion Trends or any similar topic only for you Order Now com/todd-gitlin-summary-on-media/"choice of media, the places where meet our friends- all add to the meaning of fashion. Its not enough to wear the clothes, you have to don the lifestyle too. Fashion is a conceptual term though it covers almost all aspects of our daily life. Dress is very important facet of our personality and fashion in our dress and clothes have taken its step towards international market. The retail and wholesale sector in Pakistan was worth about $40 billion in fiscal year 2012, and has been growing at 5. 3% in real (inflation-adjusted) terms for the past five years, much faster than overall economic growth during that period. Parallel to this trend in consumerism,  Digital Marketing in Pakistan has also been on the rise which has resulted in the  Fashion Industry (specifically formal and informal lawn brands), fast accepting this unique phenomenon. Also, with the Ramazan on the go; Eid approaching in the near future and summers near their destined end, many new clothing brands have gone active and are advertising their Eid collection and Summer Sales on Facebook vigorously. So much so, that as per my calculations, one in every ten recommendations/sponsored stories or ads I see, are related to a clothing brand. Whether it be established brands like Kayseria, Khaadi  and Gul Ahmed, or newly launched premium brands like Sana Safinaz or Asim Jofa, or relatively smaller designer names like Rang Ja, The Working Woman, Mariam Aziz and Echo ll can be found actively on Facebook. Fashion industry of Pakistan has made quite a lot of progress in just a few years. Ten to fifteen years from now, this industry was still unknown to actually exist to the masses. Late with the formation of fashion councils and education centers under the enthusiastic few who wanted to make a difference and promulgate this very institution of fashion, * Quick g lance at fashion back in TIME The Swinging 60’s The focus of the time was on fittings. Bell bottoms, hair pieces, narrow fitted shirts, narrow dupattas, heavy eye makeup for girls and side burns for men was order of the time. People in those times took influence from the actors whom they idealized. The Political 70’s In 70’s the political times changed. People turned towards patriotism. Cotton came in vogue and people were seen in loose kurtas called Awami Suits and Saris. The Materialistic 80’s The 80’s emerged from the drabness of the 70’s and ushered in disco, glitz and glamour. People were indulged in their material instincts. In Pakistan, loose was â€Å"in† and tight was â€Å"out†. Glitter and glitz was trendy and simplicity took a back seat. Back To The East With 90’s It was a time for the rival of our culture. Traditional costumes made a comeback. A lot of embroidery, gharara, Sheirwani and Paishwaz were seen. Everyone wanted to look sleek and thin. The New Millennium â€Å"The Y2Kâ€Å" The year 2000 came with a bang moving people towards hi-tech and fast-paced living. The clothes too have become more streamlined and structured. The defined boundaries of eastern and western fashion have collapsed people wear no fuss Chinese trousers, cargo pants, iron easy cloth and manageable preferably short hair. Fusion is the call of this time * Interview with designers Maria B: Fashion is an extension of self ,an ___expression of individuality, of art and modernism- It has no borders or divides- Its passion and It is the constant evolution of society. Fashion is a form of ___expression on an individual as well as a social level—The general shift in Pakistan thank God! is towards intelligent broad-minded ideas and its now starting to reflect in the way that people are dressing up HSY: Fashion for me is your sense of living. It’s not only about dress, but it’s about you and what you live with. It can be your values and ethics, it can be everything around you. Nida ali: I think the average customer is price conscious, style conscious, trend conscious and the element of brand consciousness comes right at the end. Chapter 2 The Consumer Segmentation Targeting In a broader view and unbiased analysis, the Pakistani fashion industry has certainly played a very constructive and optimistic role in building the fashion sense and fashion trends amongst all the age groups The target we have selected to conduct a survey on the changing trends in fashion scenario is a combination of both the genders from the age range of 15 to 35 years of age regardless of any income bracket from the educated community. This range can be justified with the projection of the following statistics. The income ranges depict that our target market is almost equally from all income groups and people do follow fashion regardless of income brackets in one way or the other. Our target market of research comprises of a major chunk from the age range of 21 to 25 years being 76%. While having smaller portions of age 15-20 and 26-30 with sizes of 14% and 10% respectively. The youth mainly the fashion seekers and followers are in the continuation of their education period. As, this is the age when fashion becomes a craze for them. 63% females are fashion conscious willing to participate in a fashion survey while 37% are from the male category of consumers. * Media of Approach The fashion consumer of today is constantly bombarded with different types of stimuli in different forms of advertising. Today’s fashion consumer is more sophisticated and demanding than the consumer of the past. Looking at history, fashion runways and fashion shows have been the biggest inspirations for the fashion industry. We have assessed from these facts that regardless of the rapid growth in new mediums of information search like online sources of 13%, The traditional media is still more trustworthy for the consumer to attain the information they require for their shopping like Fashion shows Exhibitions having 20%, Fashion Magazines 24%, TV Commercials 40% and Billboards 10% chunk respectively. You read "Fashion Trends" in category "Essay examples" Fashion magazines are an extension of the marketing departments of large fashion companies. For a designer, the fashion show is a way to broadcast ideas. It is a medium. The growing Online trend The growing trend of online queries and locating stores, if not e-purchases, have also seen a tremendous rise which is understandable considering  Ã‚  females make up 31% of Pakistan’s Facebook population of almost 7 Million and the age group from 18-34 years makes 76% of the said population. These stats quite clearly infer that  Digital has most certa inly become an effective medium of  transforming  information and communicating with this industry’s target group. In addition to the remarkable customer service most of the fashion brands in Pakistan are providing online, it is worthy to note that digital media has leveled the playing field for all brands, irrespective of their sizes. It has given all sorts of brands the leverage to promote themselves and explore social media marketing for their advantage, especially if traditional mediums like billboards, print ads, TVCs etc are out of budget. This graph represents the presence of facebook fans of various brands locally in Pakistan and worldwide as well. The appreciation of facebook and other social media networks as a tool of marketing is growing very rapidly in a very short time among our young generation. Considering these statistics, we can appraise the standing of these various brand among the consumers and their level of appreciation in the market. Keeping these stats and trends in mind, one can evidently conclude that digital and eventually mobile marketing has an immense potential for the Fashion Industry. If the growth trends continue to move in the same direction and at a similar pace, there should certainly be no stopping social media marketing from making brands re-allocate  their budgets from traditional to online mediums. Chapter 3 Market Research * Problem Statement How does the behavior of a fashion consumer changes with upcoming fashion trends? * Research Methods * Questionnaire We have gathered information from our target market with 30 questionnaires duly filled by the prospects from our target market at various places with different set of ideals for a broader perspective and analyzed the results. The questionnaire is attached. * Focus Group We conducted a focus group of 8 attendees from our target market and concluded healthy discussion on the concerned issue. The moderator guide of the focus group is attached at the end. Online Focus Group on FaceBook We have conducted a focus group online through the platform of facebook as we do realize that the major chunk of our target study is active on social media networks. * Interviews Our search also consists of the interviews from the fashion industry to gather an over view about fashion from the producers of this wave. * Mall Intercepts We have visited quite a few stores, brand outlets and mall s surveying for practical encounters and recorded the views of some consumers in video and others in writing. Our surveys destinations included Suzy, Shirt Tie Shop, Hyperstar at Fortress Stadium while some interviews were conducted on the streets there. * Boutique Survey We also encountered the people running those boutiques and assessed their perceptions briefly. Chapter 4 Consumer Behavior Consumer behavior is deeply influenced by the demographics and household structures, needs, emotions, values and personality, group influences, information processing and decision making along with purchase behavior. Consumers are becoming more demanding, which is forcing fashion retailers to provide the right product at the right time. Information and trends are moving around the globe at high speed, resulting in more options and thus the consumers shop more often. The consumers need for uniqueness forces fashion retailers to constantly renew their styles. * Culture In case of cultural preferences, we often see people with different style statements living in the same area or same people having same appearances living at areas with vast distances. This is a fact which projects the importance of presence of culture in our lives which we tend to follow in almost all walks of our life. The most followed culture is equally distributed among regional and family preferences with the health of 37% each. Most of the population tend to follow what is being pursued in their region for ages, for instance, in Pakistan, with many differences in lifestyle, we all still follow some basic similar values. On the other hand, if we take Family culture into account, it refers to the values we share with our family, the way we present ourselves based on our family background, living standards and lifestyle. 19% incorporate multiple cultures in their attire and appearance while 4% opts for Western style of dressing. Social Class Fashion reflects our society and our culture. likewise it reflects how people define themselves People tend to follow what is in and what is the wave of the present current in fashion. 44% of our participants from consumer market are inclined towards the ongoing trends, while another major chunk is attracted towards the designer cuts or brand for their choice of attire. Former categories comprise of the majority while small parts of the market follow Celebrity with 6%, 6% towards price, 6% of advertisements while 10% people go for friend’s advise and attire. * Consumer Behavior Model Involvement of senses (Touch, sight) When we judge the quality of an apparel, the foremost concern for the consumer is the quality of the product which is preferred by 50% even for the youngsters who do not really care for the long life of the products. Some follow View of the fabric and its name share the same standing of 17% while a greater appreciation of Brand name of 24%. * Perso nal Selection Factors * Hedonic consumption Value of a garment is being defined as an interactive partiality experience, and distinguishes a person’s experience of interacting with an object or event. Enjoyable experiences in a store reflect different types of hedonic values. Values are defined as consumer behavior that regards the emotional and fantasy aspect of consumers’ interactions with products. Comparing to its utilitarian counterpart, the hedonic shopping value is more personal and associated with playfulness and fun. For instance, it is fairly common that people shop for both utilitarian and hedonic grounds, as well as a positive mood can come from consumers following either type of shopping. A reason for consumers to go shopping can also be the possibility to socialize with their friends. An individual’s set of values is very important regarding consumption activities. Many purchases are made because consumers think that purchasing products will result in reaching value-related goals. Shopping for clothes is considered recreational, satisfying and rewarding. Impulse buying is important to fulfill hedonic desires. There is an evident link between impulse buying behavior and hedonic shopping. Clothes purchased to satisfy hedonic needs seem to be chosen without planning and characterize an impulse buying event as can be witnessed like 50% of the buyers. Consumers are driven to hedonic shopping experiences by new fashion styles and brand image salience, which in turn motivates fashion-oriented impulse buying behavior. On the other hand, people who are rational in their decisions and finalize their action after going through all pros and cons. * Consumer Involvement * Motivation Clothing is referred to as specialty good since consumers often make the effort of seeking out the garment that they require. Motivational need can be both utilitarian and hedonic. The end state that the consumer has the intention to reach is the goal. How urgent the consumer wants to reduce the need depends on whether the need is hedonic or utilitarian, this is called the consumer’s drive. One indication of a need is a person’s want, which is created by a combination of cultural and personal factors. These statistics project the motivational elements which encourage a consumer to make a purchase. The most prominent motivator is an occasion or event which motivates 43% of the targeted sample. While, 20% are for Friends and 20% for family suggestions. Celebrity styles and icons attract and motivate 17% of our audience. Fashion-oriented impulse buying happens when consumers find a new fashion product and buy it due to the motivation to buy new products; products they did not plan on buying. Here we can see the level of motivation and the elements which influences a person to make a purchase. 40% are the impulse buyers who immediately opt for purchase with the product and the internal drive. The other major category observed in our survey was that of people who are motivated with advice of friends and family. This 46% require someone to support their choice. Two small classes of 7% being those who spent more tie and opt to search for further alternatives or more information about the item before making a purchase. * Motivational Conflict Approach-Approach According to our survey results, consumers often face Approch-Approch conflict when they have to choose between two dresses appealing them at the same level. Approach-Avoidance Another conflict of Approach-Avoidance also exists when a design attracts to a consumer at a designer shop but meanwhile price element restricts a particular customer. Level of Involvement Inertia: Inertia basically describes the low level of involvement towards the chosen product that either the consumer is willing to pay an effort before purchase or not? In fashion industry, according to our survey some respondent’s level of involvement was low because they just go to any shop; strongly use their heuristics and mental short cuts to buy apparel. Cult: The second concept which also prevails in the fashion industry is that, a part of consumer’s level of involvement is also very high in terms of shopping clothes. Because they put a lot of exertion in choosing and purchasing outfit having a feel of passion and consider their apparel as a symbol of their individual personality. * Need Theory Implementation * Self Concept * Self Concept When clothes leave the fabric they are merely garments. It is not until the marketers get hold of them that they become fashion. Clothing and accessories express how we feel, how we see ourselves and how we wish to be conceived by others. When we buy clothes we buy an identity. Fashion constitutes an important societal part of the individual’s well-being. Through the right choice of clothing it is possible for an individual to improve his or her self-esteem and acceptance by other people. Identities and social roles appear through people’s choice of clothing and accessories. Clothes function as symbols that indicate status, gender, social group allegiance and personality. Fashion is a way of expressing oneself and it says a lot about the person. * Fantasy Clothes shopping is considered to be more attractive. It is a break from the normal routine and it is an opportunity for fantasy and self-expression. What we wear is a complete expression of who we are. The appearance is the first indicator of personality to be judged. We portray ourselves what we fantasize about our own personality following our ideals through our accessories, our choice of movies, the interior of our house and most prominently our attire. We judged from our sample that majority of our sample portrays themselves to be decent yet fashionable being 54% of the whole sample depicting a major part of our culture. Secondly, 30% fashion consumers tend to portray themselves to be lively and energetic. Some 14% try to explicitly present themselves as an open personality and extrovert. A few demonstrate themselves to be shy and submissive. It’s not enough to be fashionable-one wishes to appear intelligent as well. * Gender Orientation â€Å"Modern marketing has relied on gender to help understand and explain consumers and their behavior. † Women see clothes as a mean for self-identity, whereas men focus more on functional benefits. Women see shopping as something recreational, it is important to emphasize the hedonic and experiential attributes of shopping. Women spend twice as long time in a shop as men and the typical window-shopper is a woman. Men and women think differently, and these gender-specific brain differences show a significant effect on how the individual absorb, process and retain information. The following Pivot Table exhibits the relation of gender with the style they follow for their purchase with a graphical representation which is extracted from our Online Facebook survey. | Values| | Row Labels| Sum of Male| Sum of Female| Casual| 4| 8| Celebrity| 0| 1| Formal| 4| 3| Present day| 3| 12| Grand Total| 11| 24| | | Another Pivot Table is extracted from our survey which depicts the relation of gender with the inclination of consumer towards Price or Style conscious personality. | Values| | Row Labels| Sum of Male| Sum of Female| Price Conscious| 7| 9| Style Conscious| 4| 15| Grand Total| 11| 24| Men don’t buy fashion – they buy clothes Men are comparatively less sophisticated consumers of fashion than women . * Extended Self â€Å"Fashion is an extension of self and expression of individuality† All the possessions of a person add an extra glamour to the personality. These can be the clothes, accessories, cell phones or your jewelery which adds an extra charm to what you idealize and portray about your personality. This extract shows the inclination of people towards various categories to embrace an additional appeal to their personality. This is clearly visible that clothes and shoes are the possessions that exhibits glamour and is the centre of attention for most of the youngsters being 37% each. While 14% go for jewelery, 6% for glasses, 6% for wrist watches and 7% opt for mobile phones as their charming accessory. Personality Chosen Product Match Your perception towards fashion is what you personality is regarding this particular field. This graphical representation clearly demonstrates the personality of our target youngsters in terms of fashion trends and their own self. Sober looks and Maturity is the dominant trait occupying 34%. * Product symbolization The Fashion Pyramid * Freudian Theory (diagram interpretation) [Id = Brain attack , Superego = Heart attack, Ego = A balance with heart on one and brain on the other side) (landscape) * Trait theory Various distinct traits are associated with different fields of life projected by the consumer of that particular segment. Likewise many traits are associated with fashion industry and consumers monitoring and following the changing trends. For instance, it is suggested that people who are more communally oriented (a female trait) will enjoy shopping more because of their psychological identification with the communal nature of the task. * Product congruence Consumer Lifestyle Loyal customers spend more each shopping trip, and are more time-conscious. Our clothes are often an expression of our spirit and character, so there is nothing wrong with finding a look that suits you and relying on it. Here the question is do consumers calibrate their wardrobe to better illustrate their present mood personality to therefore show overall congruence and harmony? Well, a direct relation exists between the clothing you choose to wear and your overall personality in terms of congruency. According to our one of the consumers view, â€Å"I have noticed that when I am feeling very energetic, and very outgoing, I will pick out clothing from my closet that resembles my mood: loud, and vibrant. Yellow t-shirts, red watch, etc. Meanwhile, other times, when I’m n a mellower and laid back mood, I will wear more toned down clothing, sometimes just a black tee-shirt and jeans. † Fashion is based on creating a need, where in reality, there is none. Fashion is a factory that manufactures desire. Pre occupation with fashion reveals a level of insecurity. It’s like they are worried about being judged. People obsessed with fashion feel that if they’ve changed their look, th ey’ve also evolved emotionally. They live in a state of being extremely conscious about their appearance. * Decision Making * Heuristics * Shopping Atmosphere * Post Purchase Satisfaction Product Disposal The product disposal is an important issue to be discussed as we keep on adding accessories to our wardrobe and stuff it with articles. It is essential to know what consumers opt for after It is deducted that 75% people give their clothes to others which is a good indication of society. While 19% stuff it forever even if not in use. On the other hand. 6% completely destroy them. * Risks associated with new trends The elements of fashion not liked by the target youngsters can backfire and become a risk for the Fashion Brands. As, â€Å"The fashion industry is the ultimate fashion victim† Other Risks include: Chapter 5 Extract Chapter 6 Attachments Survey Questionnaire Fashion Trends in Pakistan I am a student of MBIT from IBIT, PU and this questionnaire is purely for research purpose and the information you provide help me gain better understanding of Changing Fashion Trends in Pakistan. The success of this research depends on honest answers so I assure that your response will be kept confidential. Tick the answer you prefer. SECTION 1: YOU C. Occupation? a) Student b) Job c) Business d) Other, Please Specify ___________ 1. A. Age? a) 15-20 b) 21-25 c) 26-30 d) 31-35 D. Gender? a) Male b) Female B. Family Monthly Income? e) 15000-25000 f) 26000-35000 g) 36000-50000 h) Above 50000 E. How are you feeling today? c) happy c) excited d) sad d) depressed SECTION 2: YOUR FASHION 1. Fashion to you is: a) Looking cool and hipc) Comfort ability b) Looking sober and matured) A way to express my inner self 2. Which current fashion trend you love the most? _____________________________________________________________________ 3. Which fashion trend you hate the most? ______________________________________________________________________ 4. c) Present day fashion ) Celebrity Which fashion style/trend do you tend to follow when you purchase clothes? a) Formal b) Casual 5. Who is your ideal fashion personality? _____________________________ 6. What does your clothing portray about your personality a) Open Personalityb) Shy person c) Hip Hop d) Decent e) Lively f) Bold 7. Which of your accessories adds glamour to your overall personality? a) Clothingb) Mobile phon e c) Jewelry d) Shoes e) Wrist watches f) Glasses 8. What influences you the most when you buy clothes? a) Ongoing Trendsb) Designer/Brand c)Celebrity d) Pricee) Advertisementsf) Friends 9. How much are you willing to spend on one item of clothing from a new trend of fashion? a)1000-2000 b)2000-5000 c)5000-10000d)10000 above 10. What would encourage you to try out new fashion and style? a) Celebrity’s Styleb) Friend’s Suggestion c) Family’s Suggestiond) An Occasion | 11. What do you mostly dislike about fashion? a) Changes quicklyb) Expensive c) Not suitable d) Turns into a craze 12. What is the most recently added item to your accessories? ____________________________ 13. Does a new trend influence your wardrobe? a) Yes b) Noc)Oftend) Rarely 14. Do you readily adopt new trends? ) Yes b) Noc)Oftend) Rarely 15. How do you judge a fabric? a)Touchb) Viewc) Brand named) Fabric name 16. Are your purchases? c) Plannedb) Immediate | 17. What is your action when a dress or an accessory attracts you? d) Immediately buyc) Consult a friend or family member e) Search for alternativesd) Search for more information 18. Which kinds of shopping destination you buy most of your clothes from? a) Super markets and shopping mallsc) Fashion shows and exhibitions b) Designer boutiques Brandsd) Bazaars 19. What are your cultural preferences in fashion? a) Family culturec)Western culture ) Regional cultured) A combination of trends from multiple cultures 20. What do you do after your purchase? i) When satisfied a) Refer others b) Feel achievement c) Repeat purchases from the same place ii) When dissatisfied a) Feel angry b)Tell others to avoid c) Never visit the same place 21. How do you dispose of your clothes a) Keep the item b) Destroy c) Give it to others to use 22. What would you mostly like to see in an advertisement? a) Pictures of the shop and locationc) Products available b) Information about the designer d) All the above 3. Which medium do you trust for your purchases? a) Magazinesd)Fashion Shows Exhibitions b) Billboardse) TV Commercials c) Online Sources Moderator Guide I Thank you all very much for helping us and participating in our project research. What we are conducting is called a focus group. It is mainly a form of discussion among all of you on our research topic. You can agree, disagree on any point or you can just provide with a comment. You can also propose any new idea regarding the subject and you can freely express your views and opinions. This is just like a routine lounge talk. We request you to convey your point clearly and if possible one at a time to save from any confusion or misunderstanding. If any questions regarding the format of the focus group, you can ask ? Now, I’l explain the topic, we are here to discuss. That is The Changing Fashion Trends in Pakistan. Everybody today, is somehow associated with fashion either in favor or against. . Similarly, you all must be used to of decorating your wardrobe with latest fashion articles. Most of you would be used to of visiting various bazaars and malls for your clothing needs. And must be having your views and suggestions for this very industry. We are going to talk about the same. Before we start, if any one have any queries. Please do ask? Now friends , We’ll continue with our discussion Warm Up Questions:- 1. How much time do you spare for your leisure activities? 2. How much time in a month do you spent on shopping? 3. Do you consider shopping a source of entertainment? Specific Questions:- Current Scenario of Audience 4. Do you visit exhibitions for your purchases? 5. Do you consider fashion shows a source of latest updates for your fashion? 6. May I ask about your favorite places to shop? 7. What is your recently added item in your clothing? 8. Are you price conscious or style conscious? Reason of Failure 9. What do you think is the main content of our Pakistani fashion currently being promoted? 10. What is that one factor that stops you from adopting a fashion trend? 11. In your opinion, what is the one major difference between ordinary and designer brand items? 12. When I speak of Fashion, What picture comes to your mind? 13. Now, what if the same product is being sold in a local and a designer brand, Which one you’ll prefer to buy? Why? I am really thankful to you all for this valuable effort and specially your time. Bibliography Solomon, M. R. Consumer Behavior. How to cite Fashion Trends, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Classmate Profile free essay sample

There are so many questions in my head that as I entered the room, the Professor already started discussing the syllabus, I thought, â€Å"Shoot! I’m late at the first day of class, what a very good start†. Then I quickly got a copy of the syllabus and a paper that I need to pass at the end of the class. I was very busy answering the paper, when the Professor announced that there would be an activity and we need to find a pair. I was so much engrossed in answering the paper that finding a partner never came up in my mind. Good thing, luck was in my side, someone didn’t have a partner. Professor then led me to a lean guy with black shiny hair, bright brown eyes with fair complexion that looks Spanish. He gave off an aura of an outgoing and an athletic person. We said hi to each other and exchanged names. We will write a custom essay sample on Classmate Profile or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page His name is Jose and his friends call him Jay. He was born in Stamford, Connecticut but he now lives in Norwalk. He is a Puerto Rican. To start off the conversation, I asked him, â€Å"Why of all the schools in Connecticut, you chose to study in Norwalk Community College? † Then he answered, †Because it was cheap and it was close. He is taking up Computer Science and he told me that he’s a geek when it comes to computers. He fixes his father’s computer for fun, he does football, he enjoys eating, he likes working out and he loves going to the bar with his friends and hangs out at his house, his friends’ house and his relatives’ house. To keep the conversation going, I asked him to describe his self but he told me his friends’ opinion instead. They said that he was crazy, funny, easy to get along, and has a good temper if you get to know him well but he’s quite shy around strangers. He told me he still hasn’t found out wha t he wants to do in the future. Conversing with him made me think that he’s an amazing person who looks calm and funny at the same time. I didn’t have a chance to talk to him that long but I guess he’s a good guy and he would make a good friend. I conclude that my first impression about him was correct: that he is an athletic and outgoing person. This activity became my first stepping-stone in my goal of having a friend and I actually gained one. I have come to realize that we should be like x-rays, we should not judge a person by his/her external appearance because its what’s inside that counts.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

This Nation, From Its Inception Had A Lust For Real Estate. Essays

This nation, from its inception had a lust for real estate. From the original chants of "manifest destiny" to the calls for the annexation of Indian territories our nation has been driven to acquire land. In this country's youth land was needed for economic expansion. However, by the end of the 19th century the entire continental United States was in our possession and the citizenry of this country turned their eyes out to sea. the United States no longer sought new lands to farm and work nor did they need new areas for their geological resources, the motives had changed. the United States was now driven by the temptations of world power and political one-ups-manship. the self-absorbed citizenry looked upon their intrusion into foreign areas as a moral obligation; to spread the words of democracy and Christ throughout the world. the Spanish - American War in the final years of the 19th century perfectly demonstrate this "new" Imperialism. In addition the American intrusion into Chinese affairs during the Boxer rebellion is also a proof for the new motives which governed our international attitude. By the end of the 19th century Spanish forces in Cuba were in all out battle with nationalist rebels. the Spanish army had tortured and killed thousands of innocent Cubans in their efforts to maintain control of Cuba. the American "Yellow Press" under the leadership of Pulitzer and others wrote horrific articles about the war in Cuba and called for the imposition of the United States into the matter under the flag of moral obligation. President McKinley and his war hungry Congress saw this as a perfect opportunity to have a "nice little war" and bolster the status of the United States in the international community. the war with Spain also gave McKinley am excuse to invade the Spanish controlled Philippine islands, an important naval site which would give the United States a voice in the far east. After, the United States Navy massacred the meek Spanish Armada and defeated the Spanish forces at San Juan hill, the little war was over. In the process the United States acquired the Philippine islands, a strong voice in Cuban affairs, and most importantly, status. the political support that McKinley received after the Spanish - American War was"worth" the loss of a few American lives. In addition the control of the Philippine islands gave the United States clout in the far east and a chance to spread the dreams of democracy and Christ. Clearly the forces working behind the Spanish - American War were far different then those that led our forces, only a few decades earlier, into the western frontier. Once the United States had established it's presence in the far east it felt obliged to oversee all that went on in the area. So when Chinese nationalists rebelled against the controlling government, the United States was most eager to get into the action. At the time the United States had issued the "Open Door Policy" which called for the equal financial treatment of all foreign governments. the Boxer rebellion, as it would later be called, gave the United States a chance to strengthen the unpopular policy. 2,500 United States troops were eventually sent into the area and gave the United States the power to push ahead its own personal agenda in China. the threat of political instability and the chance to further outstretch its political sphere of influence were the driving factors behind the United States' involvement in this affair. the Imperialistic McKinley government was not going to sit idly while the other nations of the world edged the United States out of China. These two isolated incidents, when analyzed from a historical frame of reference reveal a growing change in the Imperialistic tendencies of the United States towards the end of the 19th century. the United States was determined to gain a voice in the international arena for the political status it would generate and the strategic benefits it would foster. This country was settled as a satellite to it's mother country, Great Britain, and now it would spread out its own Imperialistic wings to cover the globe with it's own political motivations and moral conscience.

Monday, November 25, 2019

R-rated movies essays

R-rated movies essays R-Rated Movies Are Not Meant For the General Public The government has decided that R-rated movies are not appropriate for viewing by people under the age of 17. Cable television is viewed by a majority of the entire population. With such a diverse audience of cable television viewers, uncut R-rated movies should not be shown on cable, because of the probability of an R-rated movie being viewed by an inappropriate audience. R-rated movies often contain foul language, nudity, and excessive violence. Components of R-rated movies are at the center of controversial disputes such as pornography on the internet, and violence on television and in video games, and cable providers have been pushing the issue of what they can show on television for years. As of right now, edited R-rated movies are fair game on television, because the foul language, nudity, and some of the violence have been cut out. This eliminates some of the offensiveness, but it doesnt compensate for the adult themes and innuendos. As it is, much of society objects to what is currently being shown on television, and would be outraged if uncut R-rated movies were permitted. Ratings for movies were made to determine which movies are appropriate for which audiences. A movie given the rating of R has been determined to be inappropriate for audiences under the age of 17. Movie rental stores and theatres refuse to sell these movies to individuals under the age of 17. Not only have R-rated movies been deemed inappropriate for those under 17 years old, many adults have found these movies to be so offensive, that they refuse to watch them. For social, religious, or moral reasons, many adults have chosen not to watch R-rated movies, and to prohibit their children from watching them. Permitting cable providers to show uncut R-rated movies on their basic programming would undermine the authority and beliefs of these people. Realistically, cable television ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Career Goals And Learning Plan

Career Goals And Learning Plan My ultimate career goal is to work as a school psychologist in either primary middle or high school, and to achieve my objective I must first complete my master’s degree in psychology at University of Phoenix; as indicated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2009), school psychologists in most states are required to have a specialist degree but some states recognize a master’s degree; thus it is my intention to complete my master’s degree in 18 months and obtain work as a school psychologist while continuing to undertake further study; perhaps I will study within a specialist Ed.S degree in school psychology, which requires a further two years study, and a one year internship, which I could accomplish at my place of then current employment. While studying COM505 Communication Skills for Graduates at University of Phoenix, I discovered a new area of knowledge related to learning styles and how personality factors influence career choices. In light of these finding s, and because I have already decided on my career path, I will not be using the knowledge pertaining to my personality and learning styles as a means of determining a career. My objective within this paper therefore, is to determine why I have chosen the particular career path I have; in other words, whether my personality and learning styles have led me down this particular route. On completion of the Multiple Pathways to Learning Questionnaire (Carter, Kravits, Bishop they but also include problem-solving and new approaches to issues (Carter et al, 2007). The specific strengths pertaining to my personality type and learning styles all point in the direction of the career I have already chosen.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Nursing and health care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Nursing and health care - Essay Example angles. The American Thoracic Society Quality of Life Resource defines it to be an individual's ability to perform normal daily activities to meet basic needs to fulfill usual domestic and social roles (Leidy, N.K., 1994) and maintain health and well-being appropriate for age that subsumes into functional capacity and functional performance (Wilson, I.B., Cleary, P.D., 1995).Functional Performance: Functional performance, hence, is related to physical activities of daily living, simply assessed by self-report. Functional status can be influenced by biological and physiological impairment, symptoms, mood, and other factors like socioeconomic parameters. It is likely to be modified by the patient's health perceptions, for example, a person who thinks himself ill will have a poor functional status as measured by performance. Functional status is an aspect of health, and it is, in turn an aspect of useful, active life, and that becomes a problematic area in the elderly or geriatric age group.WONCA: In the perception of the World Organization of General Practice and Family Physicians (WONCA), it represents actual performance level or capacity to perform both in the sense of self-care or being able to fulfill a task or role at a given moment during a given period. The WONCA classification committee defines function as the ability of an individual to cope with and adapt to the changing elements in his or her individual environment and to perform certain tasks, like grooming, transferring, ambulating, bathing, and dressing to a measurable degree (WONCA Classification Committee, 1990).CICD: The Center to Improve Care of the Dying simply expresses this concept to be the...Laviolette, Melissa A. Bernstein, David Kaliton, Carmen Castaneda, Charles T. Pu, Jeffrey M. Hausdorff, Roger A. Fielding and Maria A. Fiatarone Singh,, Association of Muscle Power With Functional Status in Community-Dwelling Elderly Women, The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 55:M192-M199 (2000). Tomonari OKADA, Toshiyuki NAKAO (1998), Physical Functional Status And Factors Contributing To Disability In Japanese Chronic Dialysis Patients, Nephrology 4 (3), 195-203, doi:10.1046/j.1440-1797.1998.d01-27.x Valderrama, E., Gama, J Damian, J Perez del Molino, M Lopez, M Perez, and F Iglesias, Short Report. Association Of Individual Activities Of Daily Living With Self-Rated Health In Older People, Age Ageing, May 2000; 29: 267 - 270.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Nucleons Stocks in the Stock Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Nucleons Stocks in the Stock Market - Essay Example In this way, the investors in the stock market will automatically become owners or stockholders of Nucleon. Second, Nucleon can generate cash from loans. This large –sum debt will create a creditor-debtor relationship. The debtor will be Nucleon whereas the creditor will be the company or individual that lends money to Nucleon. The following paragraphs explain why the pilot in-house capital budgeting is the best investment choice in this case study(Louderback, 326). Â  I recommend that the company pursue its plans to set up its own pilot plant. This is the best choice of the three possible alternatives. For, the second alternative is not a good choice because the third party that will be contracted by Nucleon may not have the capacity or the money to produce the CRP -1 gene clone. Furthermore, the most important factor in not choosing alternative 2 is confidentiality. Meaning, there is a possibility, even a small one, that the subcontracted third party will abuse its responsibility not to divulge or abuse the confidential formula or processes in manufacturing the CRP -1 gene clone(Needles, 367). Â  In terms of risk, the third party may then set up its own marketing department and to sell the CRP -1 gene clones without reporting such sales to Nucleon and pocket the profits themselves. Further, the third party will then eat away or pirate many of CRP - gene clone clients. As for the other choice which is to license manufacturing and marketing rights to another biotechnology group, it is worst than the subcontract choice here. For, the chosen biotechnology group could then learn the secret formula and confidential processes of mass producing CRP -1 gene clones. In fact, the upfront cash that the Nucleon will receive in exchange for the secret processes and formulas given to the third party to produce the CRP -1 gene clone is only a small matter.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Psychology Prediction Essay Example for Free

Psychology Prediction Essay According to one of my favorite philosophers, Yogi Berra, Its hard to predict, especially the future†. He’s right but it doesn’t stop many people from trying. In fact predicting the future is essential to many aspects of our lives – in business, and beyond. Many professionals have the need to accurately predict outcomes of the future to be successful in their jobs. And many have occupations where predicting the future actually is their job, one way or another. As an analyst at Gartner, I am of course a good example of this. Some of this is common sense. Some is controversial. Some goes completely against what most think and against what people are taught even at organizations who train people to do predictive type jobs. But it works for me. Here are my ten guiding principles for accurate prediction: 1.Care about being right. This sounds obvious but circumstances and other requirements often get in the way. Professionals whose job involves making predictions face pressures to have an opinion, no matter what, and to generate visibility. This can lead to quickly formed opinions and overstating and over hyping things. While these things may in fact need to be part of a strategy, they do not have to be the primary goal. Tempering such behavior by placing the goal of being right at a higher priority is one of the real keys to accurate prediction. You can’t be afraid to be wrong, but you can’t place being right at lower priority and expect to be good at predicting. 2.Be an â€Å"innumerate†. Be extremely skeptical of any numbers. Many believe that numbers don’t lie. They don’t of course, but people do. And they state the numbers that they want to state to make their case. And they get things confused. Numbers are more useful in looking back at history than in predicting (looking back at history is helpful and numbers can help). Be especially wary of survey data. Often the questions are poorly formed and the respondents not necessarily knowledgeable. There is no substitute for talking directly to people to make sure that you understand context and that they understand the question. And follow-up is possible. 3.Ask yourself â€Å"Why are they telling me this?† Understand the motivations of sources of information. Everyone you meet has some type of agenda. Sometimes it is truly to educate you, usually not. It is critical to understand what the source of information wants you to think to put the information into context. 4.Ask yourself â€Å"What would I do†? Put yourself in the shoes of the CEO or key decision maker of the entity if possible. This is a key tool to predicting how companies and organizations will behave. If the prediction is about that company, this is the major key. If it is more general, putting yourself in the shoes of multiples and playing out scenarios is helpful. 5.Recognize that most of the time, you will know less than your sources. The world is full of specialists. Depending on circumstance, you may know as much as your sources but there is almost always someone who is more of an expert than you. So you need to develop strategies for assessing the credibility and honesty of a source. A useful tactic is to lead a discussion towards an area in which you do know a lot and test the source’s honesty and credibility. This can help determine what weight to give the source 6.Don’t jump to conclusions. Whenever possible take your time. When pushed for an opinion, it is best to say â€Å"if I had to have an opinion I would lean towards x†, but not highlight these types of things as â€Å"predictions†. 7.Find â€Å"bubbles†, conventional thinking and poke at assumptions. Try to understand why most people have a certain belief and figure out what assumptions they have. Look for misunderstandings, confusion, motivations and social trends. 8.Get information you’re not supposed to have. Basic networking is essential to knowing your subject and to getting information you’re not supposed to have (Obviously those subject to â€Å"insider trading† types of issues need to tread carefully here). Listen for slip ups. Put the pieces together. Fill in the holes. Speculate. 9.â€Å"You’re only paranoid if you’re wrong†. Explore conspiracy theories. While they usually won’t be the prediction, the exercise of examining possible conspiracy theories often is fruitful. Remember At the very least there is bound to be some aspect of the theory that has some truth to it and may point the way towards a good prediction. However, it is far more likely that stupidity or laziness, rather than conspiracy, is the cause. 10.Constantly test, validate and refine. Every chance you get to talk to a person whose opinion you respect, test new theories. Every chance you talk to a source of information, test your theories and gauge their reactions. Be open to tweaks.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Christmas Is A Good Holiday For Many Reasons :: essays research papers

Christmas Is A Good Holiday For Many Reasons   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Christmas is a good holiday for many reasons. There are reasons that exist that make Christmas a bad holiday, but for the most part it is a wonderful time of year. Millions of people around the world will agree that Christmas is one of the most fun and exciting holidays. Christmas is a good holiday because students get a vacation from school, people get to exchange gifts with friends and family, and people get to spend time with their families. Those three reasons, among others, help to make Christmas one of the best holidays.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First of all, Christmas is a good holiday because students get a vacation from school. While not in school, students have no homework. That really helps to make the holidays more enjoyable. With no school, students have no reason to get up early so they can stay out late and sleep late in the morning. When Christmas comes around, it means that the school year is half over. If a student has done well the first semester, he or she is sure to survive the second semester.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Next, people get to exchange gifts with friends and family. Exchanging gifts is always fun because people receive new things. Who couldn't enjoy something that was given to them free. Also, people get to give gifts to their friends and family. Giving gifts always gives people that warm happy feeling inside. The most enjoyable part is seeing the gifts that people gave being opened by the people receiving them. That always puts a smile on peoples faces.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Last but not least, people get to spend time with family. Some of the family may not have been seen in a long time so it puts everyone in a good mood to finally see them. Being with family is fun and helps make the holidays more enjoyable. One thing that many families may find interesting is sharing stories.

Monday, November 11, 2019

How easy is it for Jews to keep their covenant with God in the Modern world? Essay

Jews are people who follow the religion of Judaism. Traditionally Jews trace their beginnings to Abraham (about 18 centuries BCE). In their daily prayers, Jewish people call to mind the patriarchs (fathers) of their faith. One of the most important events in the Jewish history, known as the exodus-took place under the leadership of Moses. Jews celebrate this each year in the Passover festival (Pesach). After their escape, the Jews wandered the desert for 40 years, before they reached ‘the promised land’ of Israel. It was in the desert that they received the Torah through Moses. The Covenant with God is Jews agreeing to do what He wants, and He will give in return. The 10 commandments is an example of this. It is the summary that God gave Jews to follow. History says that they were written on stones that Moses brought down from mount Sinai, according to the Torah. There are two accounts of the ten sayings. The Ten Commandments describe people’s duty towards God and each other. Moses also received the ‘Torah’, a holy book, on mount Sinai on his journey from Egypt to ‘the promised land’. This trip was one of the most important events in Jewish history, when they escaped from slavery, leaded by Moses. Jews celebrate this every year as the ‘Passover festive’. Food is very important in their daily lives. Jews have all sorts of foods to celebrate different festivals and different times of the year. In addition, all food Jews eat has to be Kosher. This means that certain laws govern the buying, preparation and eating of food. They cannot eat milk and meat products together. Here are some examples of kosher laws: * Animals must have cloven hooves and chew the cud. * Poultry may be eaten but not birds of pray. * Fish must have fins and scales and a backbone. Shabbat is another important festival, involving food. They have special breads, meats and wines. A prayer has to be made before the lighting of the candles and the start of Shabbat. The woman of the house normally performs this. Shabbat is the time between Friday sunset and Saturday sunset. It’s a family day on the Sabbath. You cannot do any work when Shabbat starts of before it ends. It is supposed to a stress free day with your family. Jews like to consider themselves a big family. They like to get together and have meals and it’s a big part of their faith. They claim that without their families, Judaism wouldn’t have survived. Through their children they pass on beliefs, knowledge and routine. Mothers teach about recipes and generally the children are brought up to be Jewish. To show that they are Jewish, they have a Bar Mitzvah when they become of proper age. A boy is considered as mature at 13 and a girl at 12. Therefore its when the ceremony is taken place. You can also recognize strict male Jews by their large sideburns and, all strict Jews, their black clothing. You can convert to be Jewish by spending time in a synagogue with a Rabbi, learning about the Jewish faith. Then you have to present yourself in front of a panel of Rabbis. The influences of the holocaust, or ‘Shoah’, are still shown a great deal today, There are still some people in the world that believe what Hitler believed in and fort for was right. Some people in the Jewish community are still not very fond of making a huge deal about their religion as it may start up buried hates and start new feuds. As the world changes, it also changes into something much harsher for religious communities. As there are so many different beliefs and stories about God there are obvious opportunities for arguments to be made. The state of Israel is poor. The richer countries like the United Kingdom and America, have been trying to put right the fighting between the Palestinians and the Jews, which is mainly over religion and land. As Israel is considered the holy land, to me it seems its is ridiculous to fight in such a holy place. I think it is quite hard for Jewish people to keep their covenant with God in the modern world because there are so many rules within their religion. There are many Jews now do not keep to all the rules around the Jewish faith and just do as much as they can in the modern world.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Admissions essay

â€Å"l want to become the greatest engineer in the world†, said a 5 year old boy named Phone. That seemed to be a little dream of a child which he would forget soon. However, for 1 1 years since his saying, that boy had been still continuously following his dream. With remarkable ability of science, Phone was admitted to the physics department of HUSH High School for Gifted Students.In there, he got to know about Nanning Technological university from a senior. Phone was very impressed by the way this university inspired students and its extremely competitive educational environment. His love for .NET started then. Therefore, he challenged himself on the university entrance examination of .NET. Unfortunately, he was rejected. It was the very first big failure and Phone was deeply shocked. He avoided everyone and became more reserved.However, his passion was greater than anything else. Phone quickly overcame this grief, and started acquiring knowledge, to provide himself anothe r chance in the following year. Len addition to participation in an intense A-level program, he also did not forget to improve his soft skills and social knowledge by spending time on some extra-curricular activities such as movie making, volunteering ND being a technician for some events.Thanks to his efficient working method, Phone obtained a few amount of achievements like becoming an youth partner, and a film producer of a volunteer group. Those experiences, which made him more optimistic, sociable, responsible became unforgettable memories In his life. At this moment, when you are reading this essay, Phone had succeeded In completion of his changeable and had a great time before becoming a student In his dream university. I believe that as long as he maintains his passion, he can successfully pilot his own life. Admissions Essay After serious investigation and reflection I am convinced my educational goals will be far better achieved at NYU than at any other university. It is not an easy decision for me, as I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Villanova and made the most of it. One of the many wonderful concepts I have learned from my parents is to strive for academic excellence while balancing life with other activities and contributions. I am proud of my academic record at Villanova, as well as my extracurricular involvement in campus activities, part-time employment and community service. Through the efforts of my parents I have enjoyed a great deal of cultural and educational diversity. I was born and raised in Taiwan, and moved with my parents to Shanghai, China, where I attended high school. Within a very short time I advanced from speaking virtually no English to first place in my class, and then on to Advanced Placement classes. My secondary education in Shanghai was instrumental in the development of my interest in business and finance, and my goal is to be become expert in the area of financial analysis. NYU is a perfect match for me. NYU Stern is one of the finest business schools and enjoys a global reputation. I have learned from my parents two â€Å"laws†: the law of learning and the law of giving. I believe the more you learn the more open you become for learning. I am convinced NYU Stern is a great fit for â€Å"the law of learning† and by achieving academic excellence at NYU I will be in a position to choose career opportunities for continued growth not available at any other university. I have learned from my parents the critical importance of the law of giving, and I am both attracted and committed to the Stern model of community service, particularly that â€Å"students apply business skills to effect social change.† I will bring to NYU a variety of assets and commitments. I have benefited in the past from having â€Å"mentors†, particularly in Shanghai, and I look forward to being able to mentor Chinese and Asian students at NYU. I have always been committed to community service and campus government, and plan on continuing these important activities. I will bring to the campus what others have considered in me an infectious â€Å"joy of learning, excitement for the future, and need for world contribution.† That is in essence my philosophy and I believe it will contribute to the NYU community. The time is right in my life to appreciate and take full advantage of all that NYU offers. I look forward to being a part of a university which has the city itself as part of the campus. While touring NYU I felt at once comfortable and energized, I feeling I never had at Villanova or any other university I have visited. I am fully aware of the significance of being considered for acceptance, and I am sincerely grateful for your time and consideration of my application. Admissions Essay After serious investigation and reflection I am convinced my educational goals will be far better achieved at NYU than at any other university. It is not an easy decision for me, as I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Villanova and made the most of it. One of the many wonderful concepts I have learned from my parents is to strive for academic excellence while balancing life with other activities and contributions. I am proud of my academic record at Villanova, as well as my extracurricular involvement in campus activities, part-time employment and community service. Through the efforts of my parents I have enjoyed a great deal of cultural and educational diversity. I was born and raised in Taiwan, and moved with my parents to Shanghai, China, where I attended high school. Within a very short time I advanced from speaking virtually no English to first place in my class, and then on to Advanced Placement classes. My secondary education in Shanghai was instrumental in the development of my interest in business and finance, and my goal is to be become expert in the area of financial analysis. NYU is a perfect match for me. NYU Stern is one of the finest business schools and enjoys a global reputation. I have learned from my parents two â€Å"laws†: the law of learning and the law of giving. I believe the more you learn the more open you become for learning. I am convinced NYU Stern is a great fit for â€Å"the law of learning† and by achieving academic excellence at NYU I will be in a position to choose career opportunities for continued growth not available at any other university. I have learned from my parents the critical importance of the law of giving, and I am both attracted and committed to the Stern model of community service, particularly that â€Å"students apply business skills to effect social change.† I will bring to NYU a variety of assets and commitments. I have benefited in the past from having â€Å"mentors†, particularly in Shanghai, and I look forward to being able to mentor Chinese and Asian students at NYU. I have always been committed to community service and campus government, and plan on continuing these important activities. I will bring to the campus what others have considered in me an infectious â€Å"joy of learning, excitement for the future, and need for world contribution.† That is in essence my philosophy and I believe it will contribute to the NYU community. The time is right in my life to appreciate and take full advantage of all that NYU offers. I look forward to being a part of a university which has the city itself as part of the campus. While touring NYU I felt at once comfortable and energized, I feeling I never had at Villanova or any other university I have visited. I am fully aware of the significance of being considered for acceptance, and I am sincerely grateful for your time and consideration of my application.